Secondhand Sounds

Where music gets a second chance …

Category: Review

  • Quiet Village – The Exotic Sounds of Martin Denny

    Quiet Village – The Exotic Sounds of Martin Denny

    This was a bit of a find as you don’t get a lot of Martin Denny in the charity shops. In fact, this was probably the disk disc of his I had seen in any shop. Quiet Village – The Exotic Sounds of Martin Denny is a 2006 reissue of a 1959 album of “Exotica”.…

  • Silver Liner by Ethan Johns

    Silver Liner by Ethan Johns

    I picked up Silver Liner by Ethan Johns at a Salvation Army shop in Hove. They had about 20 copies of it, all shrink-wrapped. I think it was three disks for a pound, so it seemed rude not to get one. The first time I ever heard of Ethan Johns name was on the first…

  • The Purpose of this Blog?

    The Purpose of this Blog?

    There comes a time when eventually you stop listening to new music as much as you used to. I was always reading the papers and magazines and trying to find the hip new sounds to listen to. Nowadays I am happy with a good reissue or a strange compilation of something I never listened to…